Ernesto Lacerda

Ernesto Lacerda

1926, Recife, PE.

He moved to Rio de Janeiro in 1943 and in 1946 attended the School of Fine Arts of Temple University in Philadelphia. Back in Brazil, he enrolled at the National School of Fine Arts, where he took the free course of lithography taught by Darel Valença Lins. He worked in the painting section of the National Library where he was hired by Alexandre Pimenta da Cunha. He also feels the guidance received from Quirino Campofiorito and Carlos Scliar was of great help.


1966 – Gemini Gallery, Rio de Janeiro;

1972- Ipanema Gallery, Rio de Janeiro;

1974 – Paulo Prado Gallery – São Paulo (SP);


1948 – SNAM, Rio de Janeiro (RJ);

1957 – Petite Galerie, Rio de Janeiro (RJ);

1966 – Glória Hotel, Rio de Janeiro (RJ);

1970 – Copacabana Palace Gallery, Rio de Janeiro (RJ);

1973 – Ponto de Arte Gallery, Rio de Janeiro (RJ);

1979 – Trevo Gallery, Rio de Janeiro (RJ);

1980 – Ranulpho Art Gallery, Recife (PE);

1983 – Cláudio Gil Gallery, Rio de Janeiro (RJ);

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